Most girls dream of a romantic wedding proposal as it is supposed to be the most important moment of their entire womanhood existence. And I do, like other normal girls. Unluckily, my husband-to-be is not in the least a romantic person nor capable of pretending to be one, not even for once in his - and mine - lifetime.
Instead of a wedding proposal, our wedding begins with a reckless "
Me: "... geez, you know that you are starting to loose your hair?"
Him: *
Me: *
teasing* "At this speed you will have a big clear space on your head on our wedding pictures."
Him: "Then we'd better get married soon!"
Me: *
amused* "You are panicking because of your hair?"
Him: "I want to have my hair on my wedding picutres! Besides, you are getting to be an old girl also. It's been what, six years in a couple of months, that we live under the same roof. Don't you want us to get married?"
Me: "Do you?"
Him: "Well, I do if you do, I just want you to be happy."
Me: "Oh yeah, so now it is for
me. I am asking you now do
you want it? Because I do but I want
you to want it also to do it."
Him: "Okay, then let's get married."
Me: "What? Now?"
Him: "Well, not now like
now. What about next summer?"
Me: "You are not expecting me to prepare a wedding just in a couple of months!"
Him: "Well, do we need more time?"
Me: "Definitely
Him: "When do you think we can have it then?"
Me: "The next summer after next year?"
Him: "Okay, then we'll get married in summer 2008."
I must admit, however unromantic I am - my friends say that in the scale of 0 to 10, my degree of romantism is about on level 4 - still I found the
"proposal" - more like a negotiation to me than a proposal - really surealistic and perhaps a bit pathetic. On the other hand, knowing very well my husband-to-be after 6 years of sharing the same bathroom, I knew what was in store for me. It is so... him.
Later on, when I saw how
Mr.Big proposed to Carrie, I was literally rolling on the floor. It was
exactly like that - minus the prelude. If the film had been relased before our conversation, I would have swore that my husband-to-be were copying it! Luckily, in our version, my husband-to-be showed up on time on our wedding day and waited for me docilely.
It was in beginning of December 2006. We announced it later, on Christmas, to the whole family.